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Please take a deep breath in this midsummer cool night breeze ... Here is the fresh collaboration between Youkhana, a young clothing brand from Sydney, and Mange Debauch, a multitalented artist. As they talked together they wanted to share the same visions and ethos aligning.

Youkhana is a Sydney based fashion label that offers couture gowns with a grunge aesthetic. Each garment is sui generis, intricate and hand braided thoughtfully for the individual with their uniqueness in mind. The rebellion involved in this brand revolves around the rejection of fashion only coming in a certain size, for a certain gender, color, class or sexuality. Youkhana is for all humans.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Michaela Sophia Vujovic (also known as Mange Debauch) is a multidisciplinary non binary artist who works predominantly with installation, performance, sound and film. They are the figure behind the lens during this photographic story collaboration. Their attraction to Youkhana's gender non-conforming high fashion fluidity and a desire to create a concept derived from their own ethos which stands identical to Youkhana's is how Midsummer Night's Freedom Dream was conceived.

Michaela's aim is for the viewer to ponder; how do I digest femininity, masculinity and gender as a whole?

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

And why is it that we group gender or characteristics into divisions, dividing them into a dichotomy?

Using fashion and photography to really contemplate how we consume visuals and make assumptions, could really be our pathway to freedom from these pigeon-holed ways of thinking.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Midsummer Night's Freedom Dream is a concept in which the visual story gives off a mood of a warm, balmy and intoxicating forest night filled with confusion around conditioned ideas of gender and othering humans into strange creature categories. To remedy this, we wish to douse your eyes with an unveiling potion to reveal that all is just a dream and in reality, gender is a wide spectrum of fluid nature and an organic slow unfolding of self.


Take a deep breath in this nocturnal breeze of the cool summer ... Because here is the new collaboration between Youkhana, a young clothing brand from Sydney, and Mange Debauch, an accomplished and multidisciplinary visual artist. Following their discussions, they discover that they share the same vision of fashion and the same values.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Youkhana is a clothing brand located in the city of Sydney that offers high fashion dresses with a grunge aesthetic. Each garment is specific, intricate and hand-braided in a thoughtful way for each individual, with its uniqueness. The rebellion initiated by this brand revolves around the rejection of fashion which produces only for certain sizes, a certain sex, a skin color, a social class or a sexuality. Youkhana is for all humans.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Michaela Sophia Vujovic (also known as Mange Debauch) is a non-binary, multidisciplinary artist whose work consists primarily of installation, performance, sound and video. They (Mande Debauch) are the person behind the lens during this collaboration of this photographic story. Their common attraction to the fluidity of haute couture, the maverick genre of Youkhana and their desire to create a concept derived from their own philosophy, identical to that of Youkhana. This is how "Midsummer Night's Freedom Dream" was designed.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The goal of Michaela is to allow the viewer to think: How to integrate femininity, masculinity and gender as a whole?

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

And why do we group genres or characteristics and then divide them creating a dichotomy?

Mange Debauch uses fashion and photography to genuinely reflect on how we use visuals and our assumptions, which could genuinely empower us to break free from these naive ways of thinking.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

"Midsummer Night's Freedom Dream" is a concept in which the visual story gives off an atmosphere of warm, sweet and intoxicating night in the forest, full of confusion around conditioned ideas of gender and the differentiation of humans into strange creatures. . To remedy this, we would like to close your eyes with a revealing potion that would make this all a dream and, in reality, the genre is a broad spectrum of fluid nature and slow organic unfolding. self.


Happy Yolette

Yolette presents his latest Edito, a crazy getaway in the streets of Paris, of a young tourist who came alone to Paris, to celebrate his birthday and his love of football.


Collaboration with "La Cabarette"

We present to you our latest project in collaboration with the theater company

"La Cabarette" ...


Egg Lemon's Underwater Swamp world

Latest shooting project of the brand "Egg Lemon" presenting its latest fanciful collection through a dreamlike world in which clothes come to life.

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