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Happy Yolette !

The beautiful days are coming and we all feel this crazy desire to party, to share a drink on the terrace, to sunbathe on the already crowded lawn of the Buttes Chaumont... forget the bad days and live the present moment...

This is the perfect occasion for Yolette presents his latest Edito, a crazy getaway in the streets of Paris, of a young tourist who came alone to Paris, to celebrate his birthday and his love of football.

"This is the story of a young boy who comes to Paris to celebrate
his birthday party. He looks lonely and a little bit crazy. For this
occasion, he ordered a special cake with the logo of the football club of his hometown.


Between real and unreal, between documentary photography and artificial exposure, an ambiguity is present.

In this editorial, we want to show the real Paris, that you don’t see
on postcards. Even if paradoxically this location of the shoot is the Sacré-Coeur.

We want to show the grey and dirty Paris.

The crazy Paris."


Photographer: Oihana Ospital ( @oihanamarre )

Model and hairstyle: Yolette Bouchar ( @yolettebouchar )

Styling: Arnaud Chartouni ( @lashartouni )

MUA: Luna Betsch ( @makeupbylouns )


Happy Yolette

Yolette presents his latest Edito, a crazy getaway in the streets of Paris, of a young tourist who came alone to Paris, to celebrate his birthday and his love of football.


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