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Shot by Parker Day @heyparkerday

Jessie Edelstein , is a 22 year old visual artist and MUA from Long Island, New York. She recently graduated from SUNY New Paltz where she studied Visual Arts. Known as Virgo Couture , a "Drag" character she conceptualized when she was 19, and whose Lip Syncs she has been practicing since 2018.

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It was on the occasion of the release of his latest project: " Virtual Reality" : Universe totally inspired by reality TV shows; in which she presents her incredible home with her virtual friends Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

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So let's it go!

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We are absolutely fans of your makeup via Instagram. Can you explain the meaning to us? And when did you start?

Thank you very much! I took drawing and painting classes for five years and have always viewed makeup as a medium such as painting rather than a symbol of traditional beauty. After getting into the "Drag" scene, I started experimenting with makeup for about a year and a half.

What are your sources of inspiration?

I have two main sources of inspiration, AI robots and clowns. I always include a clown nose or robot style contact lenses. I am drawn to clouds, primary colors, eyes, butterflies and rainbows, so all of these images are often recurring throughout the entire process of my makeup work. I am also inspired by "Ugly & Glamorous" "such as the gaps between the teeth that appear in my sketches. I pay tribute to these drawings by painting a gaping tooth in many of my makeup: it is my signature for Virgo.

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Do you think that makeup can give a certain power? As if you were becoming another person ...

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I think it is totally possible. I think it's interesting because people use makeup in different ways. I never try to hide or cover myself in makeup, my appearance actually allows me to express my inner self to the outside.

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Can you tell us about your latest video project? Is it an art project or just something you do for fun?

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It's a bit like an art project! Recently, I wanted to further explore the robotic / virtual aspects of Virgo. Creating a completely virtual version of my character was the first step in making this idea a reality. While I'm limited by what's available for The Sims , I love the freedom of being able to create a whole new virtual character and environment for Virgo. The digital space I can create for “Virtual Reality” is much more authentic to my character and is different from the real spaces I filmed for my previous series “The Virgo Diaries”.

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Where did you get this idea from?

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The title “Virtual Reality” comes from my love for virtual reality and my sincere attachment to reality TV. This series was very heavily inspired by "The Loose Teens" , a web series created by one of my favorite internet producer / pop stars. For Episode 1, it's clearly inspired by MTV Cribs with the Mariah Carey episode, where everything is so over the top!

Did you use the "Sims" game to create your video?

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Yes quite ! I've been playing Sims since I was a kid and it's one of my favorite games. Basically I got a virus on my computer trying to download all the custom content and mods for "Virtual Reality", but that's the price to pay for being a virtual princess.

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Jessie Edelstein , is a 22 year old visual artist and MUA from Long Island, New York. She's recently graduated from SUNY New Paltz where she studied Visual Art.

Virgo Couture is the name of her drag character who she conceptualized when she was 19. She's been dressing up and performing lip syncs as Virgo Couture since April 2018.

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We enjoyed the release of her latest project: Virtual Reality , where she presents us her incredible house with her friends Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.

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So let's go!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

We are absolutely a fan of your makeup. Can you explain to us the sense of it? And when did you start to do it?

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Thank you so much! I was trained in drawing and painting for five years so I always viewed makeup creatively as a painting medium rather than from a traditional beauty perspective. After I decided that I wanted to get into drag, I began experimenting with makeup so about a year and a half ago.

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What are your sources of inspiration?

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Two big inspirations for me are AI robots and clowns. I will typically include a clown nose or wear robotic contacts in my looks. I'm drawn to clouds, primary colors, eyes, butterflies, and rainbows so that imagery will often recur throughout my makeup work as well. I'm also inspired by these “ugly glamorous” gap toothed faces that appear in my sketches. I pay homage to these drawings by painting on a gap tooth in many of my makeup looks and it's my signature look for Virgo.

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Do you think makeup can give you some power? Like you are another person ...

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I think it definitely can. I think it's interesting because people utilize makeup in different ways. I'm never trying to hide or cover myself up with makeup, my looks actually allow me to express my inner self on the outside.

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Can you talk to us about your video project? Is it like an art project or just something you do for fun?

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It's kind of like an art project! Recently, I've wanted to further explore the robotic / virtual aspects of Virgo. Creating a fully virtual Sim version of my character is the first step I'm taking to bring that idea to fruition. Although I am limited by what's available for The Sims game, I love the freedom of being able to create a whole new virtual character and environment for Virgo. The digital space I can create for “Virtual Reality” feels way more authentic to my character and differs from the real world spaces that I filmed in for my previous series “The Virgo Diaries.”

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

How did you find this idea?

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The title of “Virtual Reality” comes from my love of VR and my genuine appreciation of reality TV. This series was very much inspired by “The Loose Teens” which is a web series created by one of my favorite Internet pop stars / producers. For Episode 1, I was really inspired by MTV Cribs specifically Mariah Carey's episode since it's so over the top.

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You use the game "Sims" to create your video?

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Yes! I've been playing the Sims since I was really young and it's one of my favorite games. I basically gave my computer a virus trying to download all the custom content and mods for “Virtual Reality” but it's the price I'll pay to be a virtual princess.

Can you explain more about the character? Is it you? Or a fictive person?

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The main concept for Virgo is that she's an early 2000's hyper-feminine robot clown. I've always been into this sort of “ugly glamor” aesthetic which definitely plays out in my drag. Like she's ugly and trashy but she thinks she's the hottest socialite it-girl. To compliment this, I decided to make Virgo bratty, messy, and love attention. The actual physical expression aspect of my character is very genuine to myself. When I put on makeup and dress up as Virgo Couture, I just feel like I'm presenting as a hyper version of Jessie. The over the top character traits of Virgo are less true to real life me but play out more during my lip sync performances or in other videos that I create where I can execute my full concept.

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This is the first episode? Do you want to make others?

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Yup! I wanted the first episode to be “Welcome 2 My Crib” just as an introduction to virtual Virgo and her new digital world. I'm not 100% sure on the direction I want to take with this series but I definitely plan on creating more content. I was thinking of possibly having each episode be inspired by a different reality show or recreating some of my favorite reality TV moments with virtual Virgo.

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Do you have other interests? Like fashion design or playing music?

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Totally! I love photography, drawing, and performing. I grew up doing theater and singing so I definitely have a theatrical side. I love fashion but I can't sew to save my life so I just like to appreciate it. I also love music especially experimental hyper pop or electronic stuff. One day I'd love to get into DJ-ing or create my own music.

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If you could choose to be a famous celebrity from 2000s? Who would you like to be?

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Paris Hilton! She's my biggest early 2000's inspiration.

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Who's your favorite fashion designer and makeup artist?

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My favorite fashion designer is Thierry Mugler. I'm obsessed with his work and I love his runway shows. They're so fun, performative, and campy and really remind me of drag shows. My favorite makeup artist is Pat McGrath, I especially love her work with Dior in the early 2000's.


Shot by Rebecca Fahey @icanthearmyeyes

Can you tell us a little more about your character in the video? Is it you ? Or a fictitious person?

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The main concept of Virgo; it's that he's a hyper-feminine robot clown from the early 2000s. I've always been drawn to this form of “Ugly Glamor” aesthetic that fits my Drag character perfectly. Like the fact that she's ugly and trashy but thinks she's the sexiest and most sociable It-girl. To accentuate this, I decided to make her egocentric, messy who always needs attention. The current appearance of my character's physical expressions are very close to me. When I put on makeup and dress in Virgo Couture, I feel like I'm presenting a "hyper" version of Jessie. Virgo's amplified character traits are less true to life, but I replicate them more during my Lip Sync performances or in other videos I create where I can perform my whole concept.

This is the first episode, so are you planning on doing more?

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Yup! I wanted the first episode to be a “Welcome 2 My Crib” just as an introduction to Virtual Virgo and its new digital world. I'm not 100% sure where I want to go with this series, but I do intend to create more content. I thought each episode could be inspired by a different reality show or recreate some of my favorite reality TV moments with Virtual Virgo.

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Do you have other interests? Like fashion or making music?

Totally! I love photography, drawing and performance. I grew up doing theater and singing, so I definitely have a theatrical side. I love fashion but I'm not going to start sewing for a living, so I'm just enjoying it. I also like music, especially experimental like hyper pop or electronic sounds. Someday I would love to be a DJ or make my own music.

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If you could choose to be a celebrity from the 2000s? Who would you like to be?

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Paris Hilton! She is my biggest inspiration of the 2000s.

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Who are your favorite Fashion designers and Makeup artists?

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My favorite Fashion Designer is Thierry Mugler. I am obsessed with his work and I love his parades. They are so cool, efficient and so kitsch ... they remind me of Drag Show. My favorite makeup artist is Pat McGrath, I especially like his work for Dior in the early 2000s.

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More Info

youtube Channel:   VirgoCouture

Instagram: @virgo_couture_

Virtual Reality ~ Episode 1
Virtual Reality ~ Episode 2

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