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Tomasz armada

We would like to present to you a young designer still unknown but whose beginnings are more than promising, Tomasz Armada, 21 years old, from Łódź in Poland, did us the honor of answering our questions in order to learn a little. more about him and his world:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Freaky Freaky Magazine:

Hi Tomasz,

We have some questions to ask to know more about you and your work.

At first, where do you come from?

Tomasz Armada:

I'm from Poland. I live in Łódź- postindustrial city in the center of my country.

Freaky Freaky Magazine:

Are you student in fashion school? If yes, which ones?

Tomasz Armada:

I am a student of fashion design at Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. From this academic year I began to study also knitwear design.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

tomasz armada

Freaky Freaky Magazine:

Can you talk about your professional background? And about your work?

Tomasz Armada:

In my school I learned fundaments of design, sewing, garment construction. I'm learning painting, drawing, sculpture as well. I acquired the knowledge and experience outside of the Academy, while working for local designers. For example I designed the pattern for clothes based on my illustrations.

My previous work is formal seeking. I made my first collection out of recycled materials: samples of fabrics, leftovers, nonwoven fabrics made from milled rubbish, clothes from the second-hand shops. I made collages out of these garments. I do it all by myself at home.

Freaky Freaky Magazine:

what are your inspirations in life and in your work?

Tomasz Armada:

The most inspiring for me are my surroundings: my town full of absurdities, local bazaar - Bałucki Rynek. But most of all my friends - - in this link you can take a little peek at some parts of our live. This blog is a kind of document / reportage. It's made by my boyfriend. He takes photos of our everyday reality.

Freaky Freaky Magazine:

Can you talk about your next projects and / or collaborations?

Tomasz Armada:

I am currently a third year student so I must make my graduation collection. I'm working on the project that will be about political and social situation in my country. There is a rise of fanatical nationalism in Poland. L I am worried about the actions of the government eroding civil liberties and democration. In my opinion we live in tough times now. In my work I would like to give vent to my fears.

Photo credit by Kacper Szalecki

Models from:


Coco and Zuzanna

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Freaky Freaky Magazine:

Have you ever made your own fashion show? If no, would you like to do one in the future?

Tomasz Armada:

I had one fashion show. I mentioned this collection earlier. It was my debut.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Freaky Freaky Magazine:

Did you create your own brand?

Tomasz Armada:

I would like to do it in the future. But first, my flatmates and I are going to open our own fashion house.

Freaky Freaky Magazine:

Would you like to work for other designers? If yes, which ones?

Tomasz Armada:

I grew up on Alexander McQueen's and Gareth Pugh's fashion shows.

Freaky Freaky Magazine:

Did you travel a lot? Where is the best place for you?

Tomasz Armada:

I don't travel very often but I like doing it. I always enjoy my time at the Ukraine (Hutsulshchyna). I was there twice and I learned the handicraft during these visits.

More informations about him ...

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Written by Aali Alien & Lonely † Boy


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