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W ho is Sojbdor? Behind this strange name which can be likened to an old Norwegian mystical place, hides Charlène Levasseur , young audiovisual artist from the South-West of France, graduated from the Fine arts of Toulouse in 2018, she currently lives in Berlin.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Devoting a real passion for everything related to electronic music and visual arts, she does not hesitate to create her own label in collaboration with 9 other French artists.

His work is a mixture of: LBGTQI, cyber culture, human, cinema, science, colors, music ... but also love stories; through which, she talks to us about the human condition as well as its fragile existence, while keeping a touch of dark humor ... to then give way to love.

Faced with all the emergence of today's digital technology, it has chosen to adopt a post-digital attitude, opting for handmade special effects, using the minimum of virtual tools.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

According to her, video is one of the most accessible media. She spends most of her time in front of her computer screen, especially watching the latest videos by Queer artists or the latest electronic music videos, such as those by artist Eartheater .

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Through this virtual world, she loves this possibility of being able to be another person, while having the possibility of meeting other communities with which she can discuss and share her projects.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The Internet becomes an infinite platform, like a sort of ordered chaos where information may or may not be chosen at the moment. Many artists such as: Claudia Mate , Lu yang, Martin Kohout , influence her a lot in her work by allowing her to develop a more heightened reflection of what digital represents today.

Producer of electronic music and passionate since the age of 15, through her encounter with the video medium which transforms into a kind of architectural alchemy containing multiple layers interwoven with each other, where they draw their stability from perspectives of abysmal depth.

Painting remains her field of predilection, because she reintroduces her layers, windows, compartments ... Reminiscent of the stained glass windows of a church. There is a real parallel between her digital work and her paintings, she is keen to keep this part of the real especially in our time when the virtual has never been so present.

crim und traum.jpg

Shoshana Zuboff's research on capitalism and Maria Alexandra Lopez's theses on surveillance, such as: “The redistributed presence of the subject in digital objects and the Internet”, are important references in her work.

For her, living in a 3D or VR world is like an antonym, it is fascinating and scary at the same time. Like the fact that we geek, while feeling guilty of being geeky.

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"It's like having nothing more to hide, not having any more privacy, you are a slave and happy, you adapt to this way of living as if it was normal and you need it. Making artistic videos in a way allows you to fit in with the political and absurd media that are on social networks, so by making your videos you are contributing, but in another way. "

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

It also collaborates with many other artists, associations and cultural places such as:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

CampusFM94 , Les Siestes Electroniques , Acolora, Roven , FIFIB , La Nuit du Cinéma , Olympe de Gouges , La Forêt Electrique , isdaT , Ensad , Michel Montaigne Bordeaux III, the Augustin Museum, the José Cabanis Media Library, the Cartoucherie, the Printemps of September, the Annex, the DadA, the Synopsis, Kit: Exhibition space, the Apartment, The Cry of the Seagull and the Forbidden Zone.

At the moment, she is preparing an EP with the Armen Crew label, and other mysterious things yet to come ...

W ho is Sojbdor ? Behind this strange name sounds like an ancient Norwegian mystical place, is Charlène Levasseur , a young audiovisual artist from the South West of France, graduated from the Beaux Arts in Toulouse in 2018, she currently lives in Berlin.

Dedicated to a real passion for everything related to electronic music and visual arts, she doesn't hesitate to create her own label in collaboration with 9 other French artists.

Her work is a combination of: LBGTQI, cyber culture, human, cinema, science, colors, music, but also love stories. Through which, she speaks to us about the human condition as well as its fragile existence, while keeping a touch of dark humor ... to then make way for love.

Faced with all the emergence of digital technology today, she has chosen to adopt a post-digital attitude, opting for handmade special effects, using the minimum of virtual tools.

Video is one of the most accessible media, she said. She spends most of her time in front of her computer screen, especially watching the latest videos by Queer artists or the latest electronic music videos, such as the artist Eartheater.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Through the virtual world, she likes this possibility of being able to be another person, while having the possibility of meeting other communities with which she can exchange and share her projects.

The Internet is becoming an endless platform, like a sort of orderly chaos where information may or may not be chosen at the moment. Many artists such as: Claudia Mate , Lu yang , Martin Kohout , influence her a lot in her work by allowing her to develop a more enhanced reflection of what digital represents today.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Producer of electronic music and passionate since the age of 15, by her encounter with the video medium which is transformed into a kind of architectural alchemy containing multiple overlapping layers, which they draw their stability from perspectives of abysmal depth.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Painting remains her favorite field, because she reintroduces its layers, its windows, its compartments ... reminiscent of the stained glass windows of a church. There is a real parallel between her digital work and her paintings, she wants to keep this part of real especially in our time where the virtual has never been so present.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Shoshana Zuboff 's research on capitalism and theses on the surveillance of Maria Alexandra Lopez such as: "The redistributed presence of the subject in digital objects and the Internet", are important references in her work.

For her to live in a 3D or VR world, it's like an antonym, it's fascinating and scary at the same time. Like the fact that you geek, while feeling guilty about geeking.

"It's like having nothing more to hide, no longer having any private life, you are a slave and happy, you adapt to this way of living as if it were normal and you need it. Make artistic videos somehow allows you to insert yourself among the political and absurd media that are on social networks, so by making your videos you contribute, but in another way. "

She also collaborates with many other artists, associations and cultural places such as:

CampusFM94, Les Siestes Electroniques, Acolora, Roven, FIFIB, La Nuit du Cinéma, Olympe de Gouges, La Forêt Electrique, isdaT, Ensad, Michel Montaigne Bordeaux III, Musée Augustin, Médiathèque José Cabanis, Cartoucherie, Printemps of September, the Annex, the DadA, the Synopsis, Kit: Exhibition space, the Apartment, Le Cri de la Mouette and the Forbidden Zone.

Right now, she's preparing an EP with The Armen Crew label, and other mysterious things still coming ...

Don't Walk Alone , 2019, music by Pablo Mateo, editing, video by Charlène Levasseur .

This music video, built in collaboration with artist Pablo Mateo , was inspired by Alex Garland's film Annihilation . Charlène integrated images that she took in the streets of Berlin, bringing together their common ideas.

Don't Walk Alone , 2019, music by Pablo Mateo , editing, video by Charlène Levasseur.

This music video, built in collaboration with artist Pablo Mateo , was inspired by the film Annihilation by Alex Garland . Charlene integrated images that she took in Berlin's street, thus grouping their common ideas.

UNICREAM , video game, 2019, 3D video and music produced by Charlène Levasseur

It's a kind of heavenly portfolio in an immersive 3D space; the first version of UNICREAM has been online since 2019.

In UNICREAM , the player in real time freely browses the archives of Sojbdor: paintings, drawings and installations. This virtual Museum, visible for free, leaves the visitor free to explore this new world and meet some eccentric personalities.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The work challenges us by asking us certain questions:

"What is real? Where are you? How do you see virtual art today?"

UNICREAM , video game, 2019, 3D video and music by Charlène Levasseur

It's a kind of heavenly portfolio in an immersive 3D space; the first version of UNICREAM has been online since 2019.

In UNICREAM , the player is in real time, freely roams the archives of Sojbdor : paintings, drawings and installations. This virtual museum, is visible for free, leaves the visitor to explore this new world and meet some eccentric personalities.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The work challenges us by asking us certain questions:

"What is real? Where are you? How can you see virtual art today?"

Crim und Traum , 2019, Video, photographs, cyanotypes by Julia Castel 3D , editing, music by Charlène Levasseur.

In this analog-digital duo, cyanotypes, photographs and videos are distorted in a digital environment; and give us to see the syncopated version of a semi-screenplay work, all immersed in a humorous experimental fiction, like a night vision.

Crim und Traum , 2019, Video, photographs, cyanotypes by Julia Castel 3D , montage, music by Charlène Levasseur.

In this analog-digital duo, cyanotypes, photographs and videos are distorted in a digital environment; and show us the syncopated version of a semi-script work, all immersed in a humorous experimental fiction, like a night vision.

More Info

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Instagram: @sojbdor






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