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samuel shanahoy so long suburbia

So Long Suburbia by Samuel Shanahoy


Samuel Shanahoy est un jeune vidéaste; originaire de Blacktown, New South Wales en Australie et vivant aujourd'hui sur Vancouver. Il a réalisé de nombreux courts métrages, incluant des personnages du milieux queers aux différentes facettes et sexualités et aux influences musicales punk. Nous l'avions découvert, il y a quelques années via sa première vidéo "Skate Bitches" sortie en 2012, court métrage autour d'un groupe de jeunes skateuses, aux allures de princesses punk, aussi délurées les une que les autres.


"Aggie doom, nancy spew, bobby sox, motley, van delle, weetzie and rodent are the skate bitches, a bad ass skateboarding girl gang who steal each other candy, terrorise the streets and are bff's. one day aggie doom brings her friend josie to the secret club house. josie rides a longboard, loves pastels and is very preppy. some of the skate bitches dont want josie to ride with them and interrogate her about her curfew, criminal activity and what music she likes. the gang is torn between those who want to give josie a chance and those who have already made up their mind about her. this causes the skate bitches to have a fight and some personal secrets to be exposed. to try and save the gang they visit jr rat queenie, the weird yet wise queen of the rats who lives in a dumpster. jr rat queenie gives them a talking to about girl hate but will all of them agree? will they be able to grow from this? will their friendships be changed forever? and will josie still want to ride with them by the end of the day?
featuring music by pony time, zombie dogs and RVIVR."

Samuel a également réalisé, un film pornographique féministe réalisé en deux parties : "Best Slumber Party Ever" et "Queen Bee Empire", dont le dernier a été nominé meilleur film aux "Feminist Porn Awards 2014". Par la suite, il a réalisé quelques clips musicaux notamment pour son amie KT Spit - "Dreaming Waiting" . Nous attendons donc avec impatience la sortie de son dernier projet "So long Suburbia", peut-être son premier long métrage... qui sera diffusé bientôt sur son compte Vimeo.


"One sleepless night as Sadie is surfing the web her suspicions that her and her bestie since the 7th grade are growing apart are confirmed, when she discovers that he has unfollowed her on Instagram. 
Over the winter Sadie becomes a social recluse, going to Normy Suburbs Public High by day, working at the Bogus Burger Barn by night, reading zines alone in her bedroom and day dreaming while wandering the streets of suburbia.
On her 17th birthday her mother gifts her a 3 zone one year transit pass telling her to “go out and explore, discover new things and have adventures close to home.”
Downtown Sadie is randomly befriended by Miami, a self identified teeny bopper who is the first out trans girl to attend North Shore Private Girls College.
Miami introduces Sadie to her token straight, musical theatre loving BFF Cynthia, her angsty emo boyfriend Zeke, and the rest of her clique: Ellen, an astrology loving lesbian and Jersey, a twinky bisexual highschool drop out. 
Sadie quickly starts to hang out with them all on the regular, but has she really found a place where she belongs? Or will old insecurities, crushes and drama get in the way?"


Written, Directed and Produced by Samuel Shanahoy
Trailer features music by RVIVR and Kt Spit




More information :

Written by Lonely † Boy


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