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Pauli Cakes is a feminist performer from New York City. With a rebellious and reckless temperament, she did not hesitate from adolescence to leave the family home to enjoy New York evenings and rave parties, where she made her debut by dancing. Nightlife offers him the opportunity to express himself and to search for his identity.

To be able to earn a living, she works as a gogo-dancer, where she creates multiple phantasmagoric characters in the image of what men want. But she ended up finding inner peace by learning about spirituality. The dance takes the form of a plastic expression which allows her to channel her energies and her sufferings transmitted from mothers to daughters through mystical performances, bringing her closer to her ancestors.

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Pauli Cakes finds the path to recovery, by creating networks of assistance to victims of gender-based violence, in particular through her "RE. SISTER" project, or by organizing "Club Cake" evenings, with her friend Marley Parker, to the atmospheres of House New York, where people can express themselves freely and in safety.

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Pauli Cakes is a feminist performer, from New York City. Due to her rebellious and bold temperament, she didn't hesitate to leave her familly's home to enjoy New York nightlife and rave parties, where she made her first step in dance. The nightlife gives her the opportunity to express herself and to find her identity.

At first time, she begins to work as a gogo-dancer, where she discovers how to create sexual fantasy for men's desire. But she will finally finding her inner peace by learning more about spirituality. The dance takes the form of a plastic expression that allows her to channel her energies and her sufferings transmitted from mothers to daughters through mystical performances, bringing her closer to her ancestors.

Pauli Cakes finds the way to healing herself by creating networks of support to victims gender-based violence, notably through his "RE. SISTER" project, or by organizing "Club Cake" evenings with his friend Marley Parker, where people can express themselves freely and safely.

Photography by Gustavo Dumas

We had the pleasure of discovering Pauli Cakes in the last project of the New York artist, Andy Boyce who made "Angel Cakes" as part of his "Supermuse" series, where we follow the frantic wanderings of the different characters played by Pauli Cakes, performing in streets and public spaces. Provoking the surprise and the discontent of the spectators, in front of the exacerbated and infantile sexuality of the main character "Betty Boots", inspired by the charismatic Betty Boop, known as being the caricature of the naive and sexual woman. Unlike her fictitious colleague, Betty Boots seeks to free herself from the dictates that society has imposed on her, she breaks down moral barriers by evacuating her suffering through dance. A hymn to femininity and body freedom.

We had the pleasure to discover Pauli Cakes in the latest project by Andy Boyce, New Yorker artist, who directed "Angel Cakes" as part of his series "Supermuse", where we follow the frantic strolls of various characters interpreted by Pauli Cakes, performing in the streets and public spaces. Provoking the surprise and dissatisfaction of the spectators, in front of the exacerbated and infantile sexuality of the main character "Betty Boots", inspired by the charismatic Betty Boop, known as the caricature of the naïve and sexual woman. Unlike her fictitious colleague, Betty Boots tries to free herself from the diktats that society has imposed on her, breaking the moral barriers by evacuating her suffering through dance. A hymn to femininity and the freedom of the body.

Angel Cakes , by Angel Activity Production - Supermuse

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Pauli Cakes also presents his latest video project "He needs some milk", produced this summer in Berlin with his friend Dominique Kaplowtiz. Where we see her mutilating a fake breast full of milk. Encouraging us to reflect on the position of women as foster mothers or sex workers. Giving emotional energy to this patriarchal white society. Images of insects appear as fragments of superimposed images, such as flies representing "the constant micro-consumption of women on a daily basis", as well as slugs which represent "creation and love that transcends gender".


"He needs some milk" is a collaborative video created in Berlin, Germany last summer by NYC based creatives, Dominique Kaplowtiz and Pauli Cakes, featuring audio that samples the vine "he needs some milk". Dominique and Pauli use lactation to embody the physical and emotional nourishment extracted from the femme body against our will within the white supremacist patriarchy.

We explore the idea of nourishment in its many forms. Whether being given or taken through lactation, sex work, or simply existing in society and how we can transmute what is taken, to nourish ourselves. In the video, Pauli is milking themselves from artificial breasts in order to deliver emotional energy, in the form of milk, to clients and society. Flies are the image of the constant micro consumption of female bodies on a daily basis. This is cut with other shots which reveal Pauli's person hood and aspects of their femininity which they do for themselves. We contrast this with images of slugs which represent creation and love that transcends gender. In the end, rather than completing the delivery Pauli chooses to eat it themselves. With this act, Pauli is returning the energy to themselves rather than letting all of it go to "him".


He needs some milk
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He needs some milk, directed and co-produced by Dominique Kaplowitz


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More Info:

Pauli Cakes @ pauli.cakes

Dominique Kaplowitz @ cockroach.princess

Andy Boyce @angelactivity

Gustavo Dumas @ urano.01

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