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May Waver is a real GIRL!

May Waver

May Waver, is a multi-faceted digital artist. We discovered her in August 2014, via her facebook page. This "IRL" artist does not want her work to be only linked to the internet. Because it is part of a real context, using different media, such as video, performance, photography or drawing. Her work tackles topics associated with intimacy and femininity, while in some way criticizing our relationship to social media and our communication with others.

May Waver, is a digital artist multifaceted. We had discovered her in August 2014, through her facebook page. This artist "IRL" doesn't want her work is only related to the Internet. Because she work in a real context, using different media such as video, performance, photography or drawing. Her work addresses issues related to privacy and femininity, while criticizing some way our relationship to social networks and our communication with others.

She has also produced ASMR videos (Autonomous sensory meridian response), a method of sensory relaxation, the purpose of which is to trigger an ASMR: unnamed sensation causing cerebral tingling and shivering, which is also called "cerebral orgasm". This sensation can be caused by a noise, a picture, causing unexplained sensations in the brains.

She also made ASMR video's research (Autonomous sensory meridian response), this is a sensory relaxation method, whose aim is to trigger the ASMR: unnamed sensation causing tingling and cerebral chills, called "brain orgasm." This sensation can be due to a noise or an image, causing sensations to the brain unexplained.

Written by Lonely † Boy


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