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Laura Ma

Laura Ma

Young photographer from Lille, Laura Ma, made us discover her universe and her passion for photography. This young lady first started as a model, which allowed her to meet stylists, makeup artists, as well as other models thanks to which she was able to expand her network. Before trying her hand at photography, she tried different artistic practices such as dance, music and painting, without really finding a way to fully express herself, outside of photography. Her influences range from David Lachapelle to Nan Goldin, two diametrically opposed universes, but whose work she admires:

The young photographer, Laura Ma, is a native from Lille (France). As she sent us an email, we discovered her work: we enjoyed it so much that it's a pleasure to write about her! She told us about her passion for photography, we began then to understand her creative world. Laura Ma started as a model herself, so she met stylists, makeup artists and other models for first. Thanks to them, she could spread her network of contacts. Before making photography, she tried different artistic practices like painting, dance and music; but she couldn't find the perfect way to express herself. She got inspiration especially from David LaChappelle and Nan Goldin works, and admires them even if both universes are quite different.

"One gives an important part to the aesthetics of his image. He photographs the icons of his time which are captured in a pop or even kitsch environment. Nan Goldin as for her, is fascinated by the human condition. Her photographs are at the image of her own life: spontaneous, impulsive and obsessive. It is a life marked by suicides, illnesses, violence, drugs and sexuality. She follows her models until their death, showing all the complexity of life. Behind this somber decor appears a tribute to beauty and human nature. Her images are her memory, which is what characterizes this photographer the most: her authenticity, her taste for " true "without censorship." Nothing is calculated "as she underlined. What touches me the most about her, it is her will to remember all her life and the people who compose it:" I started taking pictures because of my sister's suicide. I lost her and became obsessed born by the idea of never losing the memory of anyone. And I think that's the definition of photography, we've always wanted to capture the world around us in order to keep track of it. Photography reminds us that we are all human and mortal. This is why photography allowed me to be able to fulfill this desire to express these two opposite universes. Dancing, music or painting did not fully allow me to be able to do this. "

"One gives an important part for aesthetics in his images. He's used to take contemporary icons in a pop and kitsch atmosphere. However, Nan Goldin is fascinated by human condition. Her photos are the mirror of her own life: spontaneous, impulsive and obsessive . Her life is dramatically marked with suicides, diseases, violence, drug and sexuality. She followed her friends and models until they died, showing as well all the complexity of life. But over the dark side of this part of life, she knew how to reveal the beauty of human nature. Her pictures became her memory, as a diary, that created her style and make it more singular: we can observe her authenticity and her will to work beyond censorship. Nan insisted on the fact that nothing is planned . I really like the way she wants to keep in mind all her memories and the persons she loves through her photos: she started to take pictures when her sister committed suicide. As she lost her, she began to be obsessed with the idea of losi ng the memory of somebody else… I think that's exactly the definition of photography, because we have always wanted to capture the world around us and keep a visual track. Photography makes us remembering we're all mortal. That's why photography offered me a new way to express and filled my desire to link these opposed universes; a thing I couldn't do with dance, music or painting. "

Laura Ma, seeks to take fashion photos that are a little offbeat and pop, while keeping an artistic eye, or working in film for "lifestyle" projects, or for more personal projects, such as "Jesusperstar" and "Public Diary ".

"Jésuperstar talks about the transcription of the symbols of the Renaissance with those of our time (a virgin Mary in a blue toga but with a shaved head for example), Public Diary is a series of messages and photos which are aligned thus making a fresco , his texts tell about my life, the evolution of my relationships, how people talk to each other by text, how they can say anything and everything. "

Laura Ma search to make fashion pop pictures off the wall, while keeping an artistic eye, or working with ananlogue film for "lifestyle" project, or more personnal like "Jésusperstar" and "Public Diary".

"Jésuperstrar talking about transcript of Renaissance symbols, with our era (Madone with blue toga but with skin head, for example), Public Diary is a serie of messages and pictures that line making a fresco, these sms told about my life, evolution of my relationships, how people talk with sms, how they can say everything and nothing. "

Laura Ma seeks to promote the artists of her region, in particular Lille which she considers as the "Straits of France"

"Indeed, there is no work, shops are closing one after the other, young people have no future in staying there. They all want to go to other horizons, others capitals. And yet there is a great artistic and musical impulse that fascinates me. "

Laura Ma search to promote the artists of the region, like Lille, that she considers to be the "Détroit de France" , "Indeed, there's no work, businesses are closing one after the other, they are" no future "for youngs. They all want to go to other places, other capitals. Yet there is a great artistic and musical pulse that fascinates me. "

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Written by Lonely † Boy


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