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In 2015, we had the immense pleasure of collaborating with Miracle , an artists' collective created in 2006, for the realization of their 4th edition of their magazine Mystère ; whose theme was GLORY TO SATAN . This book was printed in Linocut with a silkscreened cover, they bring together more than twenty artists each offering their fantasized vision of Satan.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For this we had made a photo shoot around the antichrist, giving it more romantic and poetic attractions.


In 2015, we had the vast pleasure of collaborating with Miracle , a collective of artists created since 2006, for the production of their 4th edition of their review Mystère ; whose theme was GLORY TO SATAN .

This book was printed in Linocut with a screen-printed cover, they bring together more than twenty artists each offering his fantasized vision of Satan.

For this we had made a photo shoot around the Antichrist by giving him more romantic and poetic attractions.


Artistic Direction : @horror__a & @ lonely_boy_error404

Photography : @horror__a & @ lonely_boy_error404

Model : Jordan @hematiteinatmosphere

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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Happy Yolette

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Collaboration with "La Cabarette"

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"La Cabarette" ...


Egg Lemon's Underwater Swamp world

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