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George Greaves

It was again during our many surf sessions on Pinterest that we saw the beautiful illustrations of George Greaves. Our eye was immediately drawn to these symbols and lines drawn from the digital world of the internet age; a kind of language he confides to us. We submitted a few questions to him by email (yes he lives in Bristol) which he answered with ease.

Freaky Freaky Magazine : Where do you come from? Where do you live actually?

George Greaves : Born and raised in Bristol, England and I live here now.

FFM : Did you study in arts schools? If yes, which ones?

GG : I studied an art foundation at Bristol school of art and then went on to study Illustration and Visual communication at Westminster in London.

FFM : How did you begin illustration? Is it your only medium?

GG : I've always been interested in anything visual, I used to draw every day after school when I was younger. I wouldn't describe myself as strictly an illustrator, I prefer the term designer, I believe the boundaries between creatives practices are becoming increasingly blurred, and I think that is only a good thing. Creativity needs freedom.

FFM : Can you talk about your work (the main themes / what is it about)?

GG : I try not to intellectualize my work too much, but I have always been interested in metaphysical questions- and i try to question the way I look at reality in my work. Symbolism is a big part of it, the arrangement of visual things that have appear to have meaning, a sort of made-up language I guess you could call it.

FFM : What are your references in art?

GG : I am very influenced by the work of early 20th century artists such Joan Miro, Mattisse, Chagall, Malevich.

FFM : If you wanted to work with an artist, who would it be and why (someone you admire for example)?

GG : If it could be anyone- I think David Hockney, he is one of my favorite living artists. He is constantly innovating and questioning his work and process, which I think is one of the best qualities an artist can have.

FFM : If you could choose a city you love to live and work, which one would it be?

GG : At this moment in time I would have to say Bristol, where i'm living now. I love this city, it has a creative vibe, and an energy. that London is increasingly losing through unsustainable living costs that is killing culture there.

FFM : What's your next project for 2016?

GG : I'm currently working on putting together a design studio and risograph press with my brother who is also an artist, it's called printed goods. We've got lots of exciting plans for it, so check it out at (website will be completed soon)

FFM : What's your favorite food?

GG : Hard question! I love food. I'm not a fussy eater either, but at the moment I would have to say a szechuan pork noodle broth that I get from a local restaurant.

FFM : What's the music you're mostly fond of? Your favorite playlist at this moment?

GG : I'm a big fan of Jazz, lately I've been listening to the blue note brazil compilations, I find them great to work too.

FFM : Your best memories in 2015?

GG : Umm probably quitting a factory job that I worked for half the year, and having the opportunity to create and develop my work.

If you want to follow George on his Instagram it's here :

Written by Aali Alien


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