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The new trendy collection
Cyber-ethnic from the Roxwear brand.

Created by Roxana Adilbekova, presents her fourth collection named: FUTURASIA. Mixing traditional crafts from Central Asia and nomadic clothing revisited through the prism of cyberpunk.

Who is behind Roxwear ?

Roxana Adilbekova, is a young designer whose mixed influences, linked to the origins of her father, Russian and Kazakh, and of her mother, Tajik; born in Dushanbe during the Tajik civil war; that she unfortunately had to flee quickly to Kazakhstan, where she grew up.

Art Direction: Roxana Nassenova

Photography: Roman Anashkin

Models: Ernar Bam, Jasmin Nurakhmetova

Assistant: Zhamila Albiyeva

“I grew up through old Soviet comic book classics as well as watching Nickelodeon sitcoms. I was also inspired by the work of my grandmother who was an art historian while dissecting the traditional Central Asian motifs in the tapestries.

And at the same time I got intoxicated with the idea that the world was becoming more and more connected and that it intertwined like the threads of a tapestry, forming patterns, images that we have not yet understood. ”

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Culture shock and its beliefs didn't allow him to easily find her place in our society. She began her studies in Paris, then joined the Parsons School of Design in New York, which she herself defines as “the modern Babylon of culture”. What left her with a profound impact, changing her perspectives and opinions, which allowed her to evolve and grow. This is where the brand was born: Roxwear.

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Roxwear a trendy and ethnic brand but not only ...

All clothes are ethically made, because Roxana pays great attention to sustainability, through a slow-fashion mode of production, creating unique pieces in small quantities, using traditional Central Asian artisan techniques.

The goal is to tell a story, to influence life and feelings in a positive way. Roxwear's values ​​are closely linked to the fight against ignorance in the world.

“It's through the search for a complex identity in the surrealistic nature of existence, in the post-Soviet cultural landscape, of the mixture of cultures and nations, personifying an answer to the plethora of overly simplistic questions concerning our origins, beliefs and ideals.

It's a way of expressing the contrast of beliefs, which has grown in the digital age, where everyone has a voice, without anyone being heard.”

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Futurasia: Between tradition and new technologies.

Futurasia is the new born of the Roxwear brand, built around the dreams and aspirations of an entire generation. Its universe ranges from cyber-galactic spaceships, to androids from the phantasmagoric universe of Blade runner, to traditional Mongolian yurts ...

This new nomadic collection in streetwear style, retro-futuristic, revisits traditional outfits while keeping their artisanal manufacturing methods.


"I wanted to take the futuristic vector when creating my collection, because it seemed to me to be the right tool to interpret the dreams of the post-Soviet generation. It's like dreaming of something impossible and dreamy. Futurism is a dream, a utopia, it's the world that we created around my last collection, with its futuristic aesthetic recreating this impossible world of our mind.

The world of Futurasia is filled with spaceships, androids, and flying yurts - its footage is inspired by the best that could be available on VHS, behind the Iron Curtain . It is a bit of a vision of what could have been Central Asia. It is both a lesson in history and a study of the cultural future and the nomadic way of life, like retro-futurism ”.

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And if you just take one item ...

A handmade woolen felted Afghan Chapan, for which it was necessary to reinvent a whole felting technique that dates back several centuries. Remixing traditional national ornaments with an aesthetic reminiscent of Bad-boy tattoos, like a techno-shaman, donning his ancestral neo-futuristic shamanic robe.

While mixing assemblages of traditional animist elements of the Saka people and panels of modern materials, from the latest technologies to obtain more vibrant prints.

To conclude

Futurasia is above all a modern vision of fashion, combining traditional techniques and cyber culture, while mixing different materials. Roxana Adilbekova is one of its new emerging and promising creators, offering a new bridge between digital and traditional world, while respecting a slow and ethical manufacturing process. It represents the dream of a new generation, which reclaims its past, while remaining connected in a retro-futuristic dream.

More infos :

Site Web :

Instagram : @weareroxwear


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